Our team

Leadership Team

Prof Arun Pherwani

Clinical lead for vascular surgery

Honorary Professor, Keele University School of Medicine Consultant Vascular Surgeon, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust

Dr Robin Williams

Clinical lead for interventional radiology

Consultant Interventional Radiologist, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Colin Bicknell

Incoming clinical lead for vascular surgery

Senior Lecturer and Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Imperial College London

Dr James Harding

Incoming clinical lead for interventional radiology

Consultant in Clinical and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust

Prof David Cromwell

Director of CEU

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSEng & Professor of Health Services Research, LSHTM

Mr Sam Waton

NVR Manager

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSEng

Dr Amundeep Johal

Senior Statistician

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSEng

Dr Qiuju Li

Research Fellow in Medical Statistics

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSEng & LSHTM

Dr Penny Birmpili

NVR Reasearch Fellow

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSEng

Clinical Reference Group

Prof Arun Pherwani

Interim Chair

Mr Colin Bicknell

Incoming Chair

Dr Robin Williams

British Society of Interventional Radiology

Dr James Harding

British Society of Interventional Radiology

Mr Ian Hunter

Vascular Society of Great Britain & Ireland

Prof Rao Vallabhaneni

Vascular Society of Great Britain & Ireland

Mr Peng Wong

Vascular Society of Great Britain & Ireland

Mr Akhtar Nasim

Clinical Lead, National AAA Screening Programme

Dr Rajiv Malhotra

Vascular Anaesthesia Society of Great Britain & Ireland

Mr Alex McLaren

Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

Mr Declan Dunphy

Association of British HealthTech Industries

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