What's New?

NVR eNewsletter – 2016 Issue #2

Changes to the NVR IT system We have made a number of changes to the NVR IT system in January 2016. These include: The ability to enter a major amputation following a lower limb bypass, where the procedures occurred within the same hospital admission. More information about this can be found on our website. The […]

NVR eNewsletter – 2016 Issue #1

Consultant Outcomes in 2016 We are planning to publish results for NHS trusts and individual consultants in 2016, in a similar way to 2015. This will again be for AAA repairs and carotid endarterectomies. The timescales for reporting will be 1st January 2011—31st December 2015 for AAA repairs and 1st January 2013—31st December 2015 for […]

NVR eNewsletter – Issue #8 (2015)

2015 NVR Annual Report The 2015 NVR Annual Report was released last week and is available to download online. This report provides a description of the care provided by NHS vascular units, and contains information on the process and outcomes of care for patients undergoing: abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair carotid endarterectomy lower limb revascularisation […]

NVR eNewsletter – Issue #7 (2015)

The most recent eNewsletter from the National Vascular Registry, which aims to keep you up to date with important news and key deadlines. This newsletter focuses on the newly 2015 Consultant Outcomes Publication.

NVR eNewsletter – Issue #6 (2015)

The most recent eNewsletter from the National Vascular Registry, which aims to keep you up to date with important news and key deadlines. This newsletter focuses on the newly released NVR Progress Report.

NVR Progress Report

In 2014, the Registry published NHS trust and surgeon-level information for elective infra-renal AAA repair and carotid endarterectomy together on our website. Publishing this information on the Registry website is a change from our previous approach of publishing results only as downloadable (.pdf) reports. This approach has various advantages, not least in making the information […]