NVR eNewsletter – 2024 Issue #4

Second NVR Quarterly Report—new publication date

We have been notified that we are unable to publish our second quarterly report in June. This is because of the pre-election period—Purdah. The second NVR quarterly report will now be published on 11th July 2024.
Below is a reminder of the key data submission deadlines and publication dates for the rest of 2024.

Milestone Date Procedure dates for inclusion
Publication of 2nd NVR Quarterly Report 11 July 2024 01/07/2023—31/12/2023
Data submission deadline for 3rd NVR quarterly report—infra-renal AAA repairs, carotid endarterectomy, lower limb revascularisation and major lower limb amputation 16 August 2024 01/04/2021—31/03/2024
Publication of 3rd NVR Quarterly Report 19 September 2024 01/04/2021—31/03/2024
Publication of 2024 NVR State of the Nation Report 14 November 2024 01/01/2021—31/12/2023
Data submission deadline for 4th NVR quarterly report—infra-renal AAA repairs, carotid endarterectomy, lower limb revascularisation and major lower limb amputation 15 November 2024 01/07/2021—30/06/2024
Publication of 4th NVR Quarterly Report 12 December 2024 01/07/2021—30/06/2024
Final results for elective infra-renal AAA repairs and carotid endarterectomies sent to consultants December 2024 01/01/2021—31/12/2023